The heat wave in June gave rise to hundreds of consultations with SOS Médecins.
June 21 was indeed the hottest day. This date even marks the most ardent day since 1900. In several cities in France, heat records were broken in June 2017. Public Health France itself evokes an “unusual” wave in terms of its intensity, its extent and its precocity.
This heat wave episode surprised more than one. But not the health authorities, on the war footing since the beginning of the month. And they have observed an increase in emergency consultations linked to the heat.
Continue the effort
In three days, nearly 1,050 people went to the emergency room because of the heat. After peaking at 391 crossings on June 22, the trend is downward. The same applies to consultations with SOS Médecins, which has experienced the same progress. 674 calls resulted in displacement during the heat peak.
But the efforts must not be relaxed, warns Public Health France, which publishes these figures. While recourse to doctors is declining, they remain higher than before the heatwave. And other health indicators – such as isolated fever or illness – are also too high.
High temperatures can quickly wreak havoc on the most fragile people. Seniors, for example, are less able to cope with the furnace by sweating or using vasodilation.
Likewise, disabled or homeless people will find it difficult to protect themselves. However, prolonged exposure can cause hyperthermia, severe dehydration or even hyponatremia – a low concentration of sodium in the blood plasma.
Source : Public health France
List the cool places
Since the deadly heatwave of 2003, the health authorities have been on the verge of war on 1er June to August 31. A heat wave and health warning system (Sacs) was put in place the following year. Throughout the summer, the weather conditions are carefully monitored. If necessary, health professionals are mobilized.
The objective: to protect the most fragile and not to be overwhelmed. This vigilance must be maintained, considers Public Health France. No need to wait for health indicators to increase.
In 2017, the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, asked the town halls to add an arrow to their bow, by identifying the cool places where it is possible to take shelter. As a reminder, the heatwave of 2003 – the deadliest to date – was the direct cause of 15,000 deaths in the space of 15 days.