You can sometimes feel a feeling of small thrusts in the chest, with stronger, faster or even irregular heartbeats. Most of the time it doesn’t matter. Palpitations have several origins. Usually, it is the heart that adapts to a normal situation. The latter works like a pump whose regular contractions are done by an automatic electrical system. Heart contractions vary throughout the day depending on your needs and activities.
In front of these palpitations, the first thing to do is to relax. Sit down and breathe deeply for several minutes, then drink a glass of water. This should help bring the heart back to a more reasonable beating, especially since your palpitations may have a very simple cause. Attention besides to do not confuse palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances. These are abnormalities in the electrical activity that triggers and regulates the activity of the heart muscle. The following are found in particular as heart rhythm disorders: tachycardia, bradycardia and arrhythmia.
However, if you feel any discomfort or if these palpitations are repeated, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. This will proceed to a complete clinical examination to rule out any signs of heart rhythm disturbances or possible cardiovascular disease. If necessary, he will give you an electrocardiogram.
Often, the palpitations are not a cause for concern. It’s just your heart beating too hard without a detectable abnormality. You can be reassured. The answer may lie in your environment or your lifestyle.