November 09, 2015. Dana Grifï¬ ?? n-Graves and Arkell Graves have been trying to have a child for 17 years now. Unfortunately, Dana continues the miscarriages and the couple began to despair… Until the unexpected happened.
The emotion of a future dad
The story of this couple has toured the web and social networks to move more than one. They had been trying to have a child for 17 years, to no avail. After many miscarriages and a stillborn child, they no longer really expected a miracle and had decided to give up for 5 years, the hope of conceiving.
However, Dana finally gets pregnant and to be sure that this time is the right one, she decides to wait until the 19th week before announcing it to her husband. And to be sure to remember this unique moment, Dana immortalized her husband’s reaction on video before broadcasting it on the internet.
A surprise in the oven
Dana had everything prepared that night. As they got ready to have a one-to-one dinner on a pretty set table, hidden camera Anna asks her husband to check the oven to make sure it doesn’t burn. Arkell complies, opens the oven door and discovers the ultrasounds of his unborn baby. Somewhat taken aback, he turns to his wife: “Are you pregnant ?!” You are pregnant ! “. His beloved tells him that it has been 19 weeks, or almost 5 months, before moving on to “and it’s a boy”.
Arkell, realizing he was going to be a daddy, started to cry. A very beautiful moment that the couple wanted to share to give a little hope to families who have difficulty becoming parents.
The video has already been viewed over 10 million times. As for the baby, it is scheduled for February 2016.