Obtaining an appointment with the ophthalmologist is often a game of patience: you have to wait weeks (if not months …) to consult your doctor.
Good news: according to a recent publication from the National Union of Ophthalmologists of France (SNOF), the median time to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist is decreasing. So, while in 2019, it took (on average) 42 days to have your eyes examined, this time frame rose to (on average) 26 days in 2021.
In France, the time to have an ophthalmology appointment has been decreasing for 3 years
This reduction in time is particularly marked in Brittany (with a drop of 97 days), in Normandy (- 70 days on average) and in Center-Val de Loire (- 41 days on average). In rural areas, if the drop is less obvious, it remains visible.
“For the third consecutive year, appointment times in ophthalmic practices are down, with an acceleration over the last year. (…) If we continue in this direction, the issue of appointment times will be resolved within two to three years.“welcomes the SNOF. An improvement which, according to specialists, is in particular linked to the rise in meetings made via the Internet.
In 2020, more than 40 million medical procedures were performed in ophthalmology in France. As the SNOF explains, in Europe, France is particularly good at screening for glaucoma, AMD and retinal pathologies.
Source: Press release SNOF.
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