July 18, 2016.
According to a study conducted by a team of researchers at the National Institute of Child Health and Development in the United States, taking aspirin before conceiving a child increases the likelihood of having a boy.
Aspirin has an impact on the sex of the child
For moms-to-be who want to be in control, here’s some information that could prove to be interesting, if true. According to an American study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, aspirin could impact the sex of an unborn child in women with a history of miscarriage.
To reach these conclusions, the researchers closely followed more than 1,200 women who had suffered from one or more miscarriages. Half of the participants took a low dose of aspirin before having sex, the rest took a placebo. Results : 31% of women who took aspirin had a baby boy versus 23% of those in the group who took the placebo.
Further studies will be needed
Does the difference in proportion not seem very significant to you? ” Further studies are needed to confirm if this is a potential solution to the apparent excess of female baby for women with signs of inflammation “, Said Professor Simon Fishel, in the columns of the Daily Mail. And to add that this study does not concern ” than women who have had miscarriages and signs of inflammation “. “IThere is no effect on intercourse in normal conceptions “.
Indeed, some miscarriages are thought to be due to inflammation of the uterus. In this precise case, ” the immune system would see the developing embryo as a foreign body by attacking it with inflammatory compounds », Specifies the professor. The male fetuses being the most fragile, they would be more vulnerable in the event of inflammation of the uterus.
Read also: Medicines during pregnancy