Garlic: discover its medicinal qualities
The little white pod is full of resources. Rich in vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and trace elements, phytotherapists recognize the following virtues:
Antiseptic, garlic fights infections, can be used as an antibiotic, antihypertensive, intestinal disinfectant.
It hunts parasites (ticks and worms); it prevents colds and flu and also gastric, intestinal or prostate cancer.
It reduces the risk of recurrence in the event of heart problems.
It regulates the level of blood glucose in diabetics, and slightly reduces blood pressure. It slightly reduces the levels of blood lipids (triglycerides and cholesterol).
It is also a diuretic.
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Garlic: a source of vitamin C
This energy vitamin, garlic contains 30 mg per 100 grams. Vitamin C is recommended to strengthen the immune system, protect cells, maintain healthy tendons, ligaments, hair, gums. It allows the good assimilation of iron … Do not hesitate to add raw or cooked garlic to your dishes.
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Garlic: a source of calcium, potassium and phosphorus
For the good health of your skeleton and your teeth, it is important to provide it with calcium. To prevent heart problems and strokes, it is recommended not to lack potassium, which also allows the renal system to function properly. When the phosphorus concentrated in the bones and teeth, it is very effective against fatigue and allows the conversion of fat into energy.
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Garlic: a source of vitamins and trace elements
Vitamin B, E, K, garlic allows you to fill it up. And so as not to lack iron, zinc, manganese, copper and sodium, add flavor to your dishes and do not hesitate to make a cure of raw or cooked garlic.
Find out more: Put garlic in your life! Stéphanie Bright and Vincent Cueff / Jouvence
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Garlic: a source of magnesium
Fatigue, drop in blood pressure. Magnesium is often recommended to combat its ailments. It is used to protect the heart and regulate the heart rate.