Focus on fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain many minerals and potassium, thus limiting the loss of minerals from the bones.
And respect the acid-base balance: beware of coffee and alcohol, which are acidifying.
Look for foods rich in vitamin D
Exposure to daylight and sunlight helps promote the synthesis of vitamin D, which helps bind calcium to the bones. But there are also foods rich in vitamin D such as cod liver oil, fatty fish, egg yolks, oysters, dairy products …
Prefer antioxidants
Antioxidants promote the renewal of bone mass while providing calcium: spinach, cabbage, watercress, white beans, soybeans and all fruits.
Consume cold sea fish
Fat, cold sea fish are rich in vitamin D, fat soluble and omega-3. Put salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines … on the menu several times a week.
Using olive oil
Thanks to its richness in oleic acid (omega-9), it strengthens bone density.
Think about honey
It is rich in calcium and phosphorus.
Drink green tea
Like Japanese sencha tea, which fights against demineralization and acidity in the body.
Do spirulina cures
At the rate of 1 g per day for 3 months. Spirulina contains amino acids, iron, vitamins and minerals.
For further
How to strengthen your bones naturally
Everything you need to know about osteoporosis