THE’folic acid, the vitamin B9, is widely used to prevent a birth defect, spina bifida and to promote the development of the central nervous system of the fetus. What medical institutions recommend to pregnant women take a daily folic acid supplement at least one month before and three months after conception. But, the benefits of this supplementation do not seem to last throughout pregnancy. Indeed, taking folic acid at the end of pregnancy can increase the risk of allergies in children, according to the results of a éstudy published in the American Journal of Physiology.
Folic acid weakens the immune system and increases the risk of allergies
Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia conducted studies in sheep to assess the benefits of takingfolic acid throughout pregnancy and the risks of developing allergies, in particular that with mites and eggs.
The study showed that taking folic acid in late pregnancy can increase the risk of allergies in babies.
“Take a folic acid supplement during the first trimester of pregnancy is important for reducing the risk of deformities, “says Dr Kathy Gatford.” However, continued supplementation in the latter stage of pregnancy does not reduce this risk, and there is growing evidence that it can. increase the risk ofallergies in children “.
The results of this study confirm the conclusions of a study published in January 2016 in the medical journal Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. It revealed that too much folic acid supplementation (vitamin B9) would cause a greater susceptibility to infections in people over 50 years old.
Read also:
Morning sickness signs of a healthy pregnancy
Pregnancy: folate against the risk of autism
Childhood desire and pregnancy: why take vitamin B9