What exactly are hemp seeds?
Hemp is one of the oldest plants cultivated by man. The fibers of its stems were used to make clothes, veils, ropes, paper … Its culture was very developed in Europe in the nineteenth century. But the arrival of other materials (cotton, nylon …) has caused its production to drop, while regulations on cannabis (a variety of hemp with psychotropic effects) have somewhat tarnished its image. But rest assured, the variety cultivated for industry and food does not contain hallucinogenic substances!
What are its strengths?
A good protein content: 33% in shelled seeds, twice as much as the average for oilseeds. “It contains all the essential amino acids, which is interesting for vegetarians and athletes”, emphasizes Laurence Salomon, chef and naturopath.
It contains omega-3 and 6, essential fatty acids, with 9% and 27% respectively in the shelled seeds. The ratio of 1 to 3 ensuring their good assimilation. Whole seeds contain a little less, but are richer in fiber, present in their brown envelope: 30%
Why this renewed interest?
According to Laurence Salomon, hemp seeds are the “seeds of the future”: “It is a resistant plant, not very sensitive to diseases, which grows quickly and easily without chemicals. It does not need a lot of water, requires little maintenance and naturally enriches the soil with nitrogen.
(leaves, stems and seeds) can be valued: fabric, cosmetics, building materials, oil, flour, biofuels … Finally, for those who want to eat less meat, it can very well replace soybean. “
How to use them in the kitchen?
The whole, crunchy seeds can be nibbled on as an aperitif or slip into salads, bread doughs, cookies, mueslis, fried vegetables … “We can also roast them lightly to make them more digestible and tasty”, adds Laurence Salomon. But we do not heat the shelled seeds, otherwise they will destroy their omega-3s. Another idea: prepare a “milk” of hemp. Mix 100 g of shelled seeds with 90 cl of water. Bring to a boil, strain, pressing well through a sieve. Leave to cool and use for breakfast, as a dessert cream …
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- Focus on chia seeds
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