What are the differences between hemp, cannabis and CBD?
First of all you have to know that hemp and the cannabis belong to the same species: Cannabis sativa L, of the Cannabaceae family. The difference between the two lies in the use of the plant and its content of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the substance psychoactive of cannabis.
Generally, varieties containing less than 0.2% of THC on the dry extract (maximum legal rate) are designated as hemp or CBD (abbreviation of cannabidiol molecule extracted from hemp), while varieties containing more than 0.2% of THC, are called cannabis.
We are going to present to you the cannabis without narcotic effect (containing little THC), the use of which is authorized in France.
What are the origins and use of cannabis?
The use of cannabis is not new. We have been able to prove that it was already used during prehistory, especially on the Asian continent. Then it reached North Africa and Europe, where it was used as an analgesic and anesthetic during surgery or childbirth, as well as to fight diseases such as malaria or even the rheumatism.
In France, however, at the beginning of the 20th century, the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes was prohibited, as was its cultivation. It will be necessary to wait until 2020 for its therapeutic use to be allowed in Francebut in a very framed way, within the framework of a experimentationwhich began in 2021.
What are the properties of cannabis?
For therapeutic use of cannabisit is the leaves and flowers that are selected, they contain a large number of active ingredients and more than 113 cannabinoids.
- Among them, thecannabidiolic acid (CBD) to analgesic properties and anticonvulsants recognized, without side effects at the psychic level (and present in much larger quantities than THC).
- Also terpenes like β-myrcene to anti-inflammatory effects or even polyphenols (family of complex molecules that plants produce naturally to defend themselves against various attacks), known to fight against cellular aging and the cardiovascular illnesses (stroke, heart attack).
- Another very effective active ingredient against pain would be cannabichromene (CBC), also anti-inflammatory.
What are the positive effects of medicinal cannabis?
Several large-scale scientific studies attest to the effectiveness of therapeutic cannabis against pain. A meta-analysis carried out in 2018 thus observed a 50% pain reductionwith cannabis and a decrease of 21% with cannabis derivatives.
Good to know : medical or therapeutic cannabis, in fact designates various drugs containing cannabinoids, that is to say molecules derived from cannabis, it can only be prescribed by a doctor who has followed a specific trainingorganized by the National Medicines Safety Agency.
Is the use of therapeutic cannabis authorized?
In France, the use of medical cannabis remains very limited: since March 2021, it has entered an experimental phase, the aim of which is to assess the therapeutic interest of the plant, but also to collect data on its safety of use.
Currently, it is intended for 5 uses only:
- Neuropathic pain that has resisted other treatments.
- Some forms ofepilepsy resistant
- Some stubborn symptoms in oncology related to cancer or its treatments
- Of the palliative care specific
- There spasticity (muscle contraction) inherent in certain neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis
- CBD is often used to counter the adverse effects of medications or medical treatments, such as nausea and vomiting. It can accompany heavy treatments in this context, such as chemotherapy.
In addition, its use is being studied in the case of the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular illnesses.
What is the difference between hemp and CBD oil?
Hemp oil and CBD oil are very different, because of their origin and their properties. Their main difference is related to the manufacturing process.
Both of these oils come from cannabis, but are not derived from the same parts of the plant.
- hemp oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the cannabis plant seedscalled hemp seeds, which are cold pressed.
Hemp oil is ideal for repairing the skin, thanks to its moisturizing properties, which makes this extract a valuable product against dry skin.
- For its part, CBD oil is obtained by extraction. This process makes it possible to separate the active ingredients (such as cannabidiol) from the plant matter. CBD oil is derived primarily from cannabis plant flower.
CBD can be used to naturally treat the stress and theanxietythanks to cannabidiol which also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, antiemetic effects (acts against vomiting and nausea) and anxiolytics.
Good to know : Hemp and CBD are over-the-counter and have nothing to do with consuming cannabis. cannabis Or marijuana in the form of a soft drug.
The Council of State authorized the sale and consumption of CBD flowers (oils, capsules, herbal teas) in December 2022.