The worrying drop in vaccination against seasonal flu worries the public authorities. Between 2009 and 2012, the vaccination coverage of people at risk fell from 60% to 50%.
“Yet every winter, seasonal fluaffects millions of people in France. It can lead to serious complications, particularly in fragile people (people aged 65 and over, certain chronically ill people, pregnant women, people with severe obesity). It is responsible for a high number of deaths each winter,” recalls the Ministry of Health.
Flu responsible for death
Last year, the Institute for Health Surveillance (InVS) identified 818 serious cases of influenza admitted to intensive care units. 71% of patients were at risk of severe influenza. Among these patients admitted to intensive care, 153 deaths occurred.
To prevent the disease and protect the population, vaccination remains an effective means. Because even if it does not always prevent contracting the seasonal flu, vaccination reduces the risk of serious complications and death. People at risk no longer have any excuses for not getting vaccinated because the flu vaccine is 100% covered by health insurance plans.
The ideas received
This campaign also aims to fight against certain received ideas that persist in public opinion and hinder vaccination.
Indeed, the Ministry of Health recalls that “a third of French people (34%) consider that treatment with homeopathy is as effective as treatment against the flu. And that “1 person out of 3 thinks that it is not useful to get vaccinated against the flu because it would be easily treated with antibiotics. ” Gold, antibiotics act in case of bacterial infection are not effective in the treatment of influenza because of its viral origin.
And even if the vaccines against the seasonal flu have few side effects, a recent survey carried out by BVA for Health Insurance revealed that “80% of French people wrongly judge that the vaccine against the flu can be poorly tolerated; 59% of people questioned believe that the vaccine can pose health risks and 1 in 2 people still think that the vaccine can give the flu. »
This seasonal flu vaccination campaign began on October 11, 2013 and will last until January 31, 2014.