To improve the flu vaccine, a virologist from the University of Wisconsin (USA) genetically engineered the H1-N1 flu virus until it created a mutant, lethal version against which man is not immune. “This research could allow the development of vaccines capable of fighting against the deadliest forms of influenza,” said Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, in response to strong criticism from his colleagues.
These do not criticize the objective of the research: by manipulating the 2009 pandemic virus, the idea is to see how it can mutate (which the viruses in circulation do every 3 to 5 years), in order to then to create more effective vaccines. But many scientists believe that Professor Kawaoka took many risks by transforming a virus capable of being fought by the immune system into an invincible virus that humans cannot fight.
The preliminary results of this work were submitted to an expert committee of the World Health Organization (WHO).
This is not the first time that the American virologist has created controversy. Already last May, he managed to recreate a virus close to the spanish flu which had claimed nearly 100 million victims at the start of the 20th century.