Decreased fertility: pesticides
Numerous studies show a drop in the quality of sperm in humans during the second half of the 20th century. In particular: the dispersion in the environment of chemical substances liable to harm the reproductive function. Among them the pesticides, which it is therefore important to avoid as much as possible. To do this, choose an organic diet if possible. Otherwise, wash fruits, vegetables and plants well and peel them systematically, the pesticides being on their skin. Finally, if you are growing your own crops, of course, avoid chemical pesticides.
Decreased fertility: air pollution
Air pollution also contributes to a decline in fertility. According to a study published on the Medical Daily site and carried out by the National Institute of Health, couples exposed to pollution indeed have more difficulty conceiving a child. According to the researchers: a high rate of “PCB” (polychlorinated biphenyls) as well as other similar pollutants in the body. Good reasons to take care of your environment and get off and breathe the country air as soon as possible.
Decreased fertility: other toxic products
Other toxic products are also involved in this decline in fertility. In humans, exposure to heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead or evenaluminum can lead to a fall in fertility by reducing the quality of sperm. In women, it can promote cycle deregulation and an increase in the number of miscarriages. Products to pin down and keep away as much as possible? Solvents and other toxic compounds such as phthalates or the bisphenol A, which can be found in household products, plastics, detergents, cosmetics … To avoid them, choose household and beauty products bought in organic or natural products stores. Did you know, for example, that black soap or white vinegar can replace a large number of your household products without risk to your health? In addition, to avoid the dispersion of these compounds, never heat plastic food packaging in the microwave and always transfer food to a glass or earthenware container. Also avoid aluminum.
Decreased fertility: airwaves and mobile telephony
The presence of relay antennas, mobile phones, laptops or even television screens emit waves that could be harmful to health and fertility. To avoid these inconveniences, it is recommended to avoid carrying your phone near the gonads (the ovaries and testicles) or to keep your laptop on your knees. It is also better to use a wired system (cable) to connect to the internet rather than wifi.
Source: Le Grand livre de la fertility, published by Eyrolles, edited by Dr Laurence Levy-Dutel
Read also:
– Infertility: what is an ovulation disorder?
– Stress increases infertility
– IVF: excessive use is dangerous