More than half of French people (56%) would like medical assistance in dying in the event of suffering unbearable according to a survey carried out by the Sicard mission. This report commissioned by François Hollande proposes a modification of the Leonetti law of 2005 and will be discussed this summer. Feeling left out of this discussion, the National Order of Physicians wished to give its opinion in this controversial debate by means of a press release.
Medical help in case of uncontrollable pain
“The Cnom believes that an evolution of the legislation on the end of life must be able to be considered in response to exceptional situations.” He proposes “by duty of humanity”, the possibility of “terminal sedation” for patients in exceptional situations.
The National Council of the Order of Physicians (Cnom) recommends taking action by raising awareness of the Leonetti law among health professionals and patients. He also wishes to change the legislation in response to specific situations. The Cnom offers medical assistance in dying in the event of prolonged agony or uncontrollable psychological or physical pain. He also wishes to reaffirm the freedom of each doctor to exercise his conscience clause in the context of supporting the end of a patient’s life.
“Not to deliberately kill but to refrain from unreasonable obstinacy are ethical principles which have always been those of physicians from the beginning, and which largely predate the promulgation of current laws on the end of life. These principles are indispensable. to guarantee the conditions necessary for the practice of medicine: patient confidence and respect for their dignity, “concludes Michel Legmann, President of the National Council of the Order of Physicians.