There is a possible link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease, according to the results of a study published in the journal Circulation.
Researchers from the University of Baltimore in the United States conducted a study to understand whether erectile dysfunction could be an independent risk factor for heart disease at men’s.
Scientists studied 1914 men aged 60 to 78 for 4 years to analyze the possible correspondence between heart problems and erectile problems.
During this survey, the researchers found 115 cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), heart attacks or cardiac arrests. By highlighting the erectile disorders and heart dysfunction, the researchers concluded that more than 6% of men with erectile dysfunction had heart failure, while these forms of heart disease affected only 2.6% of men without sexual dysfunction.
After accounting for additional risk factors (cholesterol, obesity…), the risk remains almost twice as high in men with erectile dysfunction.
“Our results show that the erectile dysfunction is, in itself, a strong predictor of cardiovascular risk,” Dr. Blaha explained. “Our results suggest that clinicians should perform more targeted screening in men with erectile dysfunction, independent of other cardiac risk factors.”
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