If you are hospitalized (e): transport to hospital, return home or transfer to another health center.
Rate : 100%. Under what conditions : a prior medical prescription is necessary. In case of emergency, it can be done after transport.
If you have a long-term condition (ALD) : trips related to examinations and treatments.
Rate : 100%. Under what conditions : provided that the long-term condition is recognized, that the state of health requires specialized transport and that the journey is linked to the condition. For repeated trips or more than 150 km, a request for prior agreement must be sent to the Social Security.
If you have been the victim of an accident at work: transport related to hospitalization, treatment and examinations.
Rate : 100%. Under what conditions : on presentation of the work accident certificate. For repeated journeys or trips of more than 150 km, you must obtain the prior approval of the Social Security.
If you are pregnant (from the 6th month) and until the 12th day after birth.n Same for the” hospitalization of a child under 30 days or the follow-up of infertility.
Rate : 100%. Under what conditions: coverage is granted on medical prescription.
If you have to attend a Sécu summons or a disability committee, or a hearing aid consultation in the event of a disability.
Rate : 65%. Under what conditions : the convocation takes the place of prescription and specifies the mode of transport.
If you need to accompany a child under 16 or a person requiring the assistance of a third party.
Rate : 65%. Under what conditions : the doctor must specify the need for support on the prescription.