No more paperwork, now it is possible to declare on the Internet side effects of a drug. Until now, you had to fill out a paper form and send it by post to the Regional Pharmacovigilance Center. A laborious and rather dissuasive procedure for users. Since November 7, patients or their representative (parents for example in the case of a child), patient associations, healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical companies can now go directly to on the ANSM website and report undesirable effects “that the patient or his entourage suspects to be linked to the use of one or more drugs” , explains the health authority on its site.
The ANSM explains that this interface is “more visible and more reliable” and will facilitate the monitoring of health products after they are placed on the market to enhance patient safety. With this simplification of the device, the health agency thus wishes to increase reports. They were only 1,000 in 2012.
Information to be provided
Concretely, how is it going? The patient goes to www.ansm.sante.frand download the form for reporting a specific drug reaction. The person fills in information concerning him (name, first name, weight, age, height) and specifies the drug suspected of having undesirable effects: batch, mode of treatment. oral, cutaneous use, when and when drug use was started, dose used and the reason for taking the drug.
The online form is then sent by email to the Regional Pharmacovigilance Center (CRPV) concerned, which will forward the information to the ANSM after verification.