Sex, drugs & … AIDS. Former escort-boy and drug addict, David Stuart has decided to alert public opinion against a new definitely dangerous sexual practice: chemsex.
Chemsex, kézako? Contraction of the words “chemicals” (= drugs in French) and “sex” (the translation is unnecessary), chemsex is a new sex practice which consists in having sex under the influence of psychotropic drugs. Methamphetamine, mephedrone or gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) … The objective is to cause dehinibition of the behavior supposed to increase the pleasure felt.
Problem: Drug use can contribute to the spread of HIV since it can lead to decreased vigilance in both partners.
18% of adults in France have already consumed psychotropic drugs
“Every day, he explains to AFP, about thirty people come to see us for having been potentially exposed to HIV during sex without a condom or for having shared needles” explains David Stuart, who is now in charge. a program to help chemsex enthusiasts.
According to statistics, 18% of adults aged 18 to 75 have already had recourse at least once to the consumption of a psychotropic drug – anxiolytics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, sleeping pills … In some cases, an addiction can occur. develop.
At the same time, according to a recent UN report, AIDS killed 1 million people worldwide in 2016 – in the space of one year, 1.8 million new cases were recorded, i.e. new contamination every 17 seconds or so. Good news anyway: 53% of patients worldwide benefit from treatment.
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