Women at the wheel, dead at the turn! 91% of men think it’s wrong, according to a study on the behavior of men and women in the car.
“Women at the wheel, dead at the turn!” This male chauvinist belief is visibly on the edge. According to an exclusive study (1) published this Tuesday, 91% of men think it is wrong.
It must be said that the figures speak for themselves. 3 out of 4 deaths on the roads of France are men. Road Safety Statistics unchanged since 1955 and well known to women, more than 80% of whom believe that men take more risks while driving.
And here again the figures prove them right, since 73% of men admit driving more than 2 hours in a row without a break (48% for women). 7 out of 10 even admit to exceeding the authorized speed limits. Men at least have the merit of being lucid, they thus consider women more careful on the roads: 82% think, for example, that they are respectful of the highway code.
They drive too fast
The latter are, for their part, more severe towards their fellows. 90% of them think that these gentlemen drive too fast and 70% that they drive aggressively. But they still remain 76% to feel confident as a passenger when a man is driving.
This percentage rises to 83% in the reverse situation. In the end, they give themselves an average of 7.5 / 10 in driving, while the men give themselves an average of 7.7 / 10.
This high percentage of confidence does not prevent disputes around the wheel. 57% of women admit to having had a fight with their partner, compared to 35% of men. Result: 19% of women surveyed have already asked a man to stop to take the wheel against 10% of men.
Finally, women are judged to be more careful but also more polite: 24% think that men are courteous in the car, against 75% in the other direction.