In France, on average, a woman dies every 3 days victim of his (ex)-spouse and 29 men died victims of their (ex)-spouse in 2016. Children are also affected either as witnesses or as direct victims: in 2016, 25 children were victims of homicides.
Accommodation and social reintegration centers (CHRS) have an important role to play in identifying of this violence and in supporting victims. It is for the professionals of these structures that the High Authority for Health (HAS) publishes recommendations to offer support adapted to victims.
Rebuild in a safe place
People’s needs victims of violence within the couple are multiple: security, development of protection strategies, initiation and monitoring of legal proceedings, restoration of physical and mental health, return or access to housing, return or access to employment…
In the same way, children are often impacted. Their needs are therefore numerous and the responses provided are specific: benevolent reception, scheduling of a medical examination, identification of the consequences of the violence, the difficulties and resources of the child, support for the parental function, etc.
And for the perpetrators: do everything to prevent their acts of violence and avoid recurrences. It is a question of accompanying them in the understanding of the legal procedure concerning them as well as in the awareness of their acts in order, in the long term, to help them to change their behavior.
Read also :
Violence against women: 539 referring doctors
Towards better care for women victims of violence