In the medical field, too, the carrot method works.
To encourage physicians to prescribe better based on recommendations, the target bonus is a bonus issued each year which has shown its effectiveness. This has just been paid to doctors, and is up 8.5% compared to 2013.
On average, doctors will thus receive 4,215 euros, or even more than 6,200 euros if they are general practitioners.
For its third year of existence, the remuneration based on public health objectives (or ROSP) is expanding, both in terms of its amount and the number of beneficiary doctors, said the Health Insurance in a report published on Monday, April 27. .
The objective is simple: it makes it possible to diversify the remuneration of private doctors by paying them a bonus calculated according to a set of public health indicators to be fulfilled (prevention, prescription, vaccination, monitoring of chronic pathologies, organization of the practice …).
If his diabetic patients perform the number of annual blood tests recommended by the health authorities, or if he is equipped with teletransmission, the doctor will store points corresponding to a lump sum payment.
In all, there are therefore around 89,000 doctors (all specialties combined) who have just received an average of 4,215 euros for the year 2014. Among them, 51,526 are general practitioners, and received 6,264 euros on average for 2014, against 5,774 euros for 2013.
For Health Insurance, which has just disbursed 376 million euros in this regard for 2014, this increase reflects a “positive development of indicators of public health, efficiency and modernization of the cabinet”.
Better follow-up for diabetics
The follow-up is thus significantly better for patients with diabetes, with in particular an increase of 7.5 points in the proportion of patients having performed the correct number of blood tests. The number of prescriptions for antibiotics is on the decline, as requested by the recommendations.
However, screening and vaccination are still struggling to be implemented by doctors. Their results “are unsatisfactory with regard to public health issues, in particular to reduce mortality and morbidity linked to female cancers and infectious diseases,” notes the Health Insurance.
“It is increasingly difficult to encourage patients” to be vaccinated against influenza or to screen for cancer of the cervix, comments Dr. Claude Leicher, quoted by AFP. If “certain criteria are to be discussed”, others to “add, on tobacco” in particular, the president of the MG-France union (1st general practitioner union) nonetheless sees in the ROSP “an interesting device” which has the merit of ‘”Improve the public health system” and thereby allow doctors to “earn money.” “
Everyone seems to have something for it, and that’s probably why this device works so well.
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