In 2006, Frank Afériat, a 34-year-old entrepreneur at the time, decided to seek treatment for a wisdom tooth. His dentist then decides to put implants on him, before realizing that the bone is poorly configured and that it has become too thin. A year and ten anesthesias later, the dentist does not know what to do. A renowned professor of dentistry agrees to take matters into his own hands. He decides to take part of the hip bone to reconstitute that of the jaw. But after several operations, the transplant is rejected.
The operation turns into deep thrombosis
Worse, Frank Afériat being the carrier of a hereditary disease which causes the blood to clot too quickly, he must be hospitalized urgently for a deep thrombosis. Since then, his life has turned upside down: “I must always wear compression stockings, describes this craftsman specializing in insect control. In my job, I have to be standing. However, if I stay too long or, worse, if I go upstairs. on a nacelle, it is a certain phlebitis, and death “he explained to the Parisian. “In addition, I have no more teeth on the right. I can no longer chew, no more smile. I am suffering martyrdom.”
The craftsman and his lawyer therefore decided to sue the professor of stomatology. The Paris court validated their arguments and considered it legitimate for a legal expert to be appointed.