Top specialists tell us why there is hope on all fronts for the most common diseases among the over-50s. They each chose a promising study.
The Big Five: Diabetes
What goes well for diabetic patients?
Guy Rutten: “We are increasingly treating people with type 2 diabetes (‘adult diabetes’ or ‘lifestyle diabetes’). As a result, we see fewer heart attacks and strokes. That is very beneficial, because more than half of people with diabetes still die from cardiovascular disease.”
What does that better treatment entail?
“Among other things, a more extensive check, so that the medicines are used better. Ten years ago, we mainly looked at the glucose level during checkups. We now know that blood pressure and cholesterol levels are also important for diabetic patients.
What did it bring?
“The blood pressure and cholesterol levels of Dutch diabetes patients have decreased over the past ten years. Ultimately, this is reflected in fewer cardiovascular diseases. That is a nice development, especially because the number of diabetes patients is increasing. As far as we know, there are now twice as many people with diabetes as ten years ago.”
Is there still room for improvement?
“Yes, blood pressure and cholesterol control could be even better. I estimate that in the next five years a lot of gains will be made in both GP practices and hospitals.
Dutch diabetes care is among the best in the world, but compared to other countries, the blood pressure and cholesterol levels of Dutch diabetes patients can still be lowered on average. We just have to be stricter! If the GP or nurse finds that the blood pressure is too high, the patient should not be shocked by another tablet. Three different blood pressure tablets really help better than two. In addition, the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs can also be improved.”
- Plus Magazine