In addition to a fight against the spread of Covid-19, the island of Mayotte is facing a strong dengue epidemic which has already killed several people.
“The number of reported cases continues to increase”, challenges the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Mayotte in its latest press release. The larvae, carriers of the disease, continue to proliferate despite the rainy season which is coming to an end. In the field, the work of the teams of the ARS of Mayotte and the SDIS continues and is complicated since it is necessary to integrate the barrier measures against the spread of Covid-19. A double pandemic similar to what the inhabitants of Reunion are also experiencing.
Do everything to protect yourself
Since the beginning of 2020, 3,684 cases of dengue fever have been confirmed. This figure does not take into account patients who did not consult their doctor and who therefore did not obtain biological confirmation. Among them, 340 hospitalizations were reported with 22 patients admitted to intensive care, 60% of which were identified in maternity. Sixteen people died of which four were thought to be directly related to dengue fever.
The prefecture and the ARS of Mayotte urge the population to do everything possible to protect themselves from mosquito bites, and continue to protect themselves even if they are sick so as not to contaminate those around them (repellents, covering clothing, mosquito nets). The ARS calls for “a coordinated mobilization of the ARS, the municipalities and intermunicipalities – which are responsible for the mechanical fight and the removal of waste and bulky items – and the inhabitants, ruthlessly eliminating the breeding sites”, to reduce mosquito pressure.
Protect yourself well
These measures are necessary since there is currently no specific treatment or vaccine marketed to combat this disease, recalls the ARS. Only the preventive actions taken by all can make it possible to limit Dengue/Covid-19 co-infections likely to weaken fragile people, and to preserve the health system hard hit by these two epidemics. With the appearance of Covid-19, fewer patients travel to consult their doctor. The latter must imperatively, if symptoms appear (high fever, joint pain, headaches, great fatigue), take paracetamol, monitor their temperature and protect themselves as much as possible from mosquito bites. Teleconsultation is also possible if this persists.