According to a study, unvaccinated people represent around 85% of hospitalized patients in France, against 7% for fully vaccinated patients.
There is indeed a link between vaccination status and hospital admissions. This is what the statistical service of social ministries (DREES) affirms in a note published on July 30.
The report crosses data on the results of Covid-19 tests, anti-Covid-19 vaccinations and conventional or critical care hospitalizations (resuscitation, intensive care and continuing care) for this disease.
This allows us to know the proportion of people vaccinated, or not, among hospital admissions, critical care admissions, and deaths due to Covid.
85% of critical care hospitalizations are unvaccinated
According to the first results, for a period from May 31 to July 11, unvaccinated people accounted for 84% of so-called conventional hospital admissions and 85% of critical care hospitalizations.
Completely vaccinated patients accounted for 7% of admissions, a proportion five times lower than the vaccination coverage of the population at the time.
Thus, the report states that “the recent increase in hospital admissions is driven by unvaccinated people”.
For 1 million unvaccinated, there are 132 hospitalizations.
For 1 million fully vaccinated, there are 16 hospitalizations.(Study period: May 31 to July 11)
– GRZ (@GuillaumeRozier) July 30, 2021
Regarding the deaths of Covid-19 patients, a very large majority (78%) concern unvaccinated people, 11% of people fully vaccinated, and 11% of people who received a first dose, according to the figures presented.
Heavier hospitalizations with the Delta variant
The report also examines the entry into critical care of patients infected with the Delta variant. It emerges that the proportion of patients presenting the L452R mutation (carried in particular by this variant) appears to be slightly higher among critical care admissions than among conventional hospital admissions, suggesting that this variant “generates a slightly higher proportion of severe cases“.
However, these lessons remain “fragile, due to the low number of cases identified over this first period of study“, specifies the Drees.
From August, this note will be updated every week and posted on the open data site of the Drees, the Ministry of Health told AFP.