For the Academy of Medicine, “obligation is not a bad word when it comes to vaccinating against Covid-19”.
“Already mentioned on several occasions, but rejected on the realistic argument of the lack of vaccines, the vaccination obligation must now be considered”. In his last opinion, the Academy of Medicine takes a strong position, frankly in favor of the obligation to vaccinate against the coronavirus.
Other vaccine obligations in France
This measure was applied in France for smallpox (1902-1984), diphtheria (1938), tetanus (1940), tuberculosis (1950-2007), polio (1964), and extended in 2017 for 11 vaccines of infant.
According to the Academy of Medicine, compulsory vaccination “is essential in all cases where effective vaccination eliminates a widespread, severe and often fatal disease”. These experts add: “With an efficacy rate of 90 to 95% against severe forms of Covid-19, the vaccines currently approved in France against SARS-CoV-2 meet the conditions which allow the compulsory vaccination against a formidable epidemic, in particular socially, that individual measures (barrier gestures) and collective (curfew, confinement) are unable to control over time. “
45.2% of the adult population received a first dose
Since the start of the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in France, 23,713,679 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 35.4% of the total population and 45.2% of the adult population) and 9,914,533 people received two injections (14.8% of the total population and 18.9% of the adult population).
The current goal of the national vaccination campaign is to reach 30 million people vaccinated for the first time by mid-June. “Even if the deliveries of vaccines make it possible to reach, then to maintain, a rate of 600,000 injected doses per day, the dynamism of the campaign will come up against the obstacle of the hesitant and those opposed to vaccination, the importance of these two recalcitrant categories being currently estimated at 15% for each of them “, estimates the Academy of Medicine.
Collective immunity sufficient to control the Covid-19 epidemic is either 90% of the adult population or 80% of the total population (children included). The vaccination of minors is still debated within the government.