Since October, the number of consultations has increased by 27%, according to data from Doctolib, revealed by 20 minutes and France Bleu.
- Consultations with psychologists have increased by more than 25% since last fall compared to the previous year
- The health crisis has significant repercussions on the mental health of the French
- The mutuals have undertaken to pay for the consultations of “psychiatrists”
The epidemic harms the morale of the French and consultations with psychologists prove it. Between October 2020 and March 2021, their number increased by 27%, compared to the previous year. These figures, taken from the data Doctolibwere revealed by 20 minutes and France Blue. They correspond to the quantity of consultations recorded by the psychologists present on the platform, i.e. approximately 7,100 liberal professionals. “There are no national figures, but reports show that more and more people are developing disorders. And for those who already suffered from it, it is amplified“, confides the deputy secretary general of the National Union of Psychologists, and clinical psychologist, Pascal Olivier, to the daily newspaper. About 75% of liberal psychologists registered on Doctolib have experienced an increase in their workload in recent months, mainly related to the care of new patients.
Sessions reimbursed… but capped
If some dare to push the door of a firm, others are more hesitant, but the research they carry out bears witness to their difficulties. Doctolib found that between October and January 2021, the number of searches for psychologists and/or psychiatrists doubled on the site. According to 35% of practitioners, the main obstacle to making an appointment is the cost of the sessions. To facilitate access to care, the mutual insurance federations have undertaken to cover them: but it will be a maximum of four sessions per year, on medical prescription and within the limit of 60 euros. Since February 1, psy checks have been offered to students, they allow them to have three reimbursed sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist, again, they must be prescribed by a general practitioner.
A worsening situation
In March, it was the distress of employees that was highlighted by a survey OpinionWay. According to the data collected, nearly half of them claim to be in psychological distress. The most affected are those under 30 and women. Since the start of the epidemic, the phenomenon seems to have worsened and spared no one. Last June, a report of the Little Brothers of the Poor highlighted an increase in the exclusion of our elders. For 41% of the elderly, confinement has had deleterious effects on their mental health. In November 2020, the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon announced a doubling of people in a state of depression since September.