People who have received both injections of an RNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) or VaxZevria vaccine (AstraZenca) may wonder if it is possible to remove their mask in the presence of other people. The High Council of Public Health affirms that it is possible to no longer wear a mask, but only under certain conditions. What are they ?
When can a person take off their mask?
All people who have benefited from a complete vaccination schedule, that is to say they have received both doses of vaccine, can be exempted from wearing a mask in very specific contexts. In a private, family or friendly setting in an enclosed environment, provided that barrier measures are respected, such as hand hygiene, social distancing or regular ventilation of the premises, it is possible to remove the protective mask against Covid -19. It is also important that the number of people be limited to six and that none of them is at risk of developing a severe form of the disease. On the other hand, if a person has not yet received a second dose, then their vaccination schedule is incomplete and therefore everyone should wear a mask, including the immune person.
In addition, in a collective framework, ie communities and open outdoor environments, everyone must continue to respect barrier measures including wearing a mask. This recommendation may be updated depending on the progress of the vaccination coverage of the French population.
To be careful
The HSCP evokes the notion of prudence, because it is today impossible ” assess the risk for people who have benefited from a complete vaccination schedule of infecting other people “. In addition, there are still uncertainties about the possibility of transmitting the variants. As of April 26, according to the Ministry of Health, 14 million French people have received at least one dose of vaccine, which represents 21% of the population. More than 5.5 million people received a second dose of serum, or 8.3% of the population. In view of this “ current low vaccination coverage in France », It is necessary to continue applying barrier gestures. The Mechanism also recommends continuing to include vaccinated people in the policy of ” contact tracing “. Finally, people who have a full immunization schedule should continue to be considered risky contacts, “ even if this risk is probably reduced “.