The health situation is worsening in some French departments. After the agglomeration of Dunkirk and the city of Nice, areas in which weekend containment is established for two weeks, which territories could be placed in partial containment?
France is not affected in a heterogeneous way
Twenty departments are placed on heightened alert because of the increased circulation of the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus. A new health defense council is held today at the Elysee Palace, to take decisions concerning this worrying epidemic context. Measures could be taken at ” case by case “, Because the health situation is disparate, depending on the regions and departments. They will be taken in consultation with the territorial actors. Partial containment on weekends could therefore extend to other territories. In the 20 departments in increased vigilance, the British variant represents more than half of cases of coronavirus infection. However, it would be more contagious than the original strain.
France’s Island
The number of new contaminations continues to increase in Ile-de-France, with an incidence rate above 250 per 100,000 inhabitants. The idea of partial containment was raised for Seine-Saint-Denis, Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Yvelines, Val-de-Marne and Paris.
The Hauts-de-France
The city of Dunkirk has already been placed in partial containment on weekends since February 26, for two weeks. This measure could extend to the whole of Pas-de-Calais. It was requested by the prefect, who proposes confinement for the next three weekends in the department.
Where is the situation improving?
In the Alpes-Maritimes, the circulation of the virus seems to be slowing down, with an incidence rate below 600 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. A slight improvement is also observed in the Moselle department, in the Grand-Est region. Gabriel Attal, the government spokesperson, hopes ” a return to normal in mid-April “. In the meantime, the executive is counting on vaccination, which continues in France. New local restrictions could be announced tomorrow, during Jean Castex’s press conference. In addition to a new local confinement at the weekend, other restrictions could be added, such as screening campaigns in schools.