New tragic story in the United States: this Monday, September 18, 2017, Leslie Neuman, a young mother, was sentenced to prison for manslaughter and mistreatment of her little boy. The baby of this 32-year-old woman (6 months old) indeed died during the night of December 29, 2016.
The cause ? Co-sleeping (or co-sleeping in the language of Shakespeare), an ancestral practice whereby the child sleeps alongside his mother, in the same bed. Strongly criticized by many child psychiatrists, pediatricians and early childhood specialists, the co-sleep still divides the French. Because, if the benefits of this practice are numerous (mother / child complicity, easier breastfeeding, less restless sleep for Baby), the risks are significant: suffocation, sudden infant death …
An increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome
This December 29, 2016, Leslie Neuman had decided to sleep with her son because he was a little sick: the young mother was afraid of not hearing him during the night if he woke up. The rest of the story is tragic: while his mother was sleeping soundly, the child “got stuck” between the mattress and the wall and found himself unable to breathe normally. The death took place by asphyxiation: in the morning, the emergency services failed to resuscitate the little boy.
In France, according to some studies, 10% of cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) are linked to the practice of co-sleeping. Co-sleeping is not recommended before the age of 3 months – however, the risk of SIDS remains high until around 6 months of age. In addition, parents who wish to co-sleep must respect certain essential rules: a firm and flat mattress, a temperature between 16 ° C and 18 ° C, no cigarettes, no pets, few sheets or towels. pillows. And if Baby is sick, feverish or born prematurely, co-sleeping should be avoided!
Read also :
Babies would sleep better in their own rooms
Sleeping with baby: the Swedes are giving it up
Baby sleep: sleeping in a cardboard box reassures him