We can now talk aboutchikungunya epidemicin Polynesia. The Polynesian Ministry of Health has identified 59 people infected with the virus, three of whom have already been hospitalized. 200 other cases are considered “suspect”. The local government had announced the previous week 15 first cases, concentrated in a town in the south of Tahiti.
The World Health Organization defines an epidemic as a disease acquired by a relatively large number of people in a given region during a relatively short period of time. Polynesia has therefore taken a step forward in the face of the rapid growth in the number of cases potentially affected by this tropical infectious disease. The island of Tahiti is not spared with 11 municipalities in the South and East affected by the spread of the virus.
The efforts of the authorities failed to stem the spread of the virus transmitted by the tiger mosquitoof the Aedes genus recognizable by its black and white stripes. The number of cases quadrupled in five days despite the actions of insecticide spraying in the affected areas.
Chikungunya manifests itself by several symptoms in the infected person including joint damage, headache, accompanied by fever, muscle pain, a rash, inflammation of one or more cervical lymph nodes.