According to a new American study, the link between cell phone use and the risk of brain tumors has been established.
Much more than a simple tool, telephones take an undeniable place in our daily life. Each year, the biggest brands develop the most powerful, fast, light machines … to the point of forgetting that they can be harmful to our health!
“Millimeter wave radiation is largely absorbed by the skin, sweat glands, peripheral nerves, eyes and testes …”
In an interview published by the site Berkeley News, Joel Moskowitz, study author and researcher at the University of Berkeley’s School of Public Health and director of the Center for Family and Community Health in Berkeley, is working to prove that cell phone radiation is dangerous.
A real fight since it is a “ sensitive political subject “ and a mechanism for telephony lobbying is strongly in place in the United States. The work of the American researcher is not unanimous. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denies any link, saying “Consistent or credible scientific evidence of health problems caused by exposure to radio frequency energy emitted by cell phones”.
This does not prevent since 2009, Joel Moskowitz to wonder about cell phones and the radiation they emit. Through its first study published more than ten years ago in the journal Journal of Clinical Oncology, the American researcher found that heavy cell phone use was associated with an increased incidence of brain cancer.
Today the risks are confirmed, since on the basis of a new meta-analysis (a scientific consensus around many studies) “Almost 1000 hours of cell phone use, ie 17 minutes per day over a 10-year period is associated with a statistically significant 60% increase in brain cancer”, says Joel Moskowitz.
The health risks are numerous, since according to the researchers, the radiation of mobile signals “Interferes with cellular mechanisms“ likely to create the development of stress proteins which can weaken DNA, even causing tumors or cell death in more extreme cases.
Joel Moskowitz also reveals to the Berkeley News that “Millimeter wave radiation is widely absorbed by the skin, sweat glands, peripheral nerves, eyes and testes, according to millimeter wave research.” The waves can also cause “Hypersensitivity and biochemical alterations in the immune and circulatory systems – the heart, liver, kidneys and brain”, he adds.
What to do to reduce the risks of your cell phone?
The American researcher provides several tips to guard against the risks associated with the use of his laptop. “Reduce your use of mobile or cordless telephones, and prefer a landline whenever possible. […] On the cell phone, turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth if you are not using them. However, near a Wi-Fi router, you had better use your cell phone on Wi-Fi and turn off the cell, as this will likely result in less radiation exposure than using the cell network ”, he says.
Joel Moskowitz also recommends keeping your cell phone as far away from yourself as possible and avoiding putting it in our pockets (unless the cell phone is in airplane mode). It is also ideal to use headphones or the loudspeaker during calls, to avoid sticking your device to your ears. Of course, sleeping with your phone is a risk, especially if it is on. “Only use your phone when the signal is strong […] Cell phones are programmed to increase radiation when the signal is weak, that is, when one or two bars are displayed. For example, do not use your phone in an elevator or in a car, as metal structures interfere with the signal ”, he concludes.