Hair loss is the side effect most feared by patients. Studies have shown that this fear occurs within 7 minutes of cancer diagnosis.
“While patients know that the treatments will be very structuredwhat affects the image has a greater impact”, recognizes Marjorie Tatard, socio-hairdresser specializing in oncological treatments, who specifies that “refrigerated helmets (-20°C), to be worn during chemo to protect the hairdo not have total effectiveness.”
Often I offers an intermediate cut before the protocol, to lessen the shock of falling onto the pillow or in the shower. Women, especially, experience this stage as a failure or weakness. adds the one who is in daily contact with cancer patients. At the time of the fall, a sharp pain in the scalp, called trichodynia, is felt and this is what often prompts shaving. It is sometimes accompanied by skin disorders: redness, rashes, tightness, scales, etc.
“Contrary to popular belief, the hair life cycle continues during treatments, says Marjorie Tatard. On the other hand, the cells are less active and the bulb degenerates: instead of growing straight, it twists on itself in the dermis. » Also, the hair can grow back in a Z shape, be unruly, frothy, or even be white for a while or permanently. We therefore sometimes advise shave the regrowthso as to then obtain healthier, supple and shiny hair.
What solution to take care of it?
Get support from a dedicated association (like the National Cancer League), find suitable advice from competent staff or specialized coaches, benefit from supportive care… These opportunities are a real boon for patients. “ The socio-hairdressers support you from diagnosis to remission. They carry out detoxifying treatments to normalize the hair follicle, or soothing clay-based treatments for the scalp. says Marjorie Tatard.
Regain self-esteem in treatment. Post-cancer recovery has strengthened. Several spa resorts, for example, offer approved post-cancer treatments (Avène, La Roche-Posay) or dedicated to breast cancer (Adour thermal baths in Dax or Chaîne thermale du soleil). , in which, in addition to care, there are workshops. The goal ? Help to reclaim your body, regain self-esteem, but also provide more comfort through advice, self-massage training, etc.
Find YOUR wig. As they let the scalp breathe, they do not prevent regrowth, but help to maintain confidence during treatments,” reassures the socio-hairdresser.
Since 2019, they have been covered by Social Security in an oncology care pathway upon simple prescription from a doctor or nurse in advanced practice. The nomenclature also provides for the support of the patient by a professional (at the hospital or in a specialized institute) such as socio-hairdressers.
Boost regrowth. After the treatments, and with the agreement of the oncologist, we can activate regrowth using specialized food supplements, massage treatments on the scalp or even PRP sessions with an aesthetic doctor. This involves injecting your own plasma into the scalp to benefit from its growth factors. However, count on at least 3 sessions at around €500 per unit, not covered by Social Security.