Can you benefit from sick leave when you are the parent of a child declared positive for Covid-19? Until now, only unvaccinated parents could benefit from it. Faced with this paradox, the authorities announced on Friday a ” harmonization of compensation rules for parents in the event of a child declared Covid “. From now on, all parents, vaccinated or not, will be able to benefit from the derogatory daily allowances.
A work stoppage for parents of positive children whether or not they are vaccinated
Until now, only parents not vaccinated against Covid-19 could benefit from a work stoppage when their children were tested positive. Indeed, the latter could declare themselves ” contact case »And therefore benefit from a work stoppage for a week, while receiving an equivalent daily allowance. Now, it is all parents, whether vaccinated or not, who can take advantage of a work stoppage to keep their child infected with Covid-19.
This is what the Ministry of Labor announced last Friday in a statement saying: ” From today, the parent of a child declared positive for Covid will be able to benefit from the derogatory daily allowances, without waiting period, with an employer supplement, and whether or not he is vaccinated. “.
Compensation open to only one of the parents of the household
More precisely and as Élisabeth Borne indicated, “ This compensation is open to only one of the two parents of the household, when he cannot telework. “. The sick leave in question may last seven days and be compensated by the Health Insurance up to 50% of the basic daily salary. The employer can supplement this amount to achieve 100% compensation.
“ Initially, the health insurance contact tracing platform will directly contact the parents concerned to issue them a work stoppage and daily allowances. Then, within a month, the parents concerned will be able to benefit from daily allowances by directly declaring their sick leave on the teleservice. »Specifies the press release of the ministry. For parents who can telework who still wish to take care of their child, they can take leave for ‘sick child’ if the company allows it or set paid days of leave and / or RTT.