Creativity has an essential place in helping hyperactive children or adults to increase their attention.
The majority of people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) exhibit restless behavior, lack concentration and sometimes overreact. At any age, creative hobbies are very useful to help them have sufficiently stimulating activities that restore self-confidence.
Creativity is an asset of people with ADHD
The excess thoughts of hyperactive people very often generate creative ideas. However, this asset is often confused with an incessant abundance of ideas that jostle each other without being able to give it meaning or a limit. This sterile imagination can lead to frustration and not be exploited.
However, whether for children or adults, giving free rein to one’s creativity brings a more or less long period of concentration and work which can provide real pleasure and give confidence in one’s ability to achieve.
How to explore this creativity through creative hobbies?
Taking the time to mentally visualize your creation helps to calm compulsive mental hyperactivity in order to allow time for inspiration to come. We can then write it down somewhere and take it up later when work and concentration are possible. Sometimes several moments of visualization are necessary to finalize the project.
Creative hobbies correspond exactly to this possibility of giving free rein to one’s creative thoughts through different media, whether it is painting, collage, or pottery for example. Being able to have several tools available makes it possible to realize a personalized and unconventional project that expresses the potential of hyperactive people.
Find out more: “Attention disorders with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) – concretely, what to do?” , by Anne Gramond and Laura Nannini, editions