To stay in shape over the long term, we should rely on low glycemic index foods. These can not only help people with diabetes, but also those who monitor their weight or women affected by polycystic ovary syndrome.
Regulating blood sugar (the level of glucose in the blood) amounts to regulating its insulin. This is the storage hormone. When you eat a sweet cake, you make too much insulin. You will then experience what is called reactive hypoglycemia, which will encourage you to snack on sugary foods. Focusing on low GI foods is interesting to avoid this phenomenon. This helps prevent diabetes and weight gain.
If we tend to be less suspicious of fruitsHowever, you must be careful. Some are also sweet. Top Health enlightens you on the ideal fruit if you are looking to reduce your blood sugar levels.
Green apple, ideal for regulating weight and blood sugar
To reduce your blood sugar, you must eliminate sodas, cakes, ice creams, pastries… in short, foods rich in sugar. But we must also pay attention to fruits that we consume.
“ Some are particularly sweet like cherries and at the end of summer, grapeswarns the French Federation of Diabetics. Avoid fruit juices because you lose the benefits of fiber and vitamins contained in the skin and flesh. On the other hand, fruit juices always have a higher glycemic index than whole fruit; we consume more of them (because they are consumed more quickly), and consequently, we ingest more sugar “.
A study conducted by the American Diabetes Association recommends the apple to regulate blood sugar. A large apple contains 25g of sugar. However, most of the latter is fructose. The advantage of the latter is that it does not cause as many blood sugar spikes as glucose or sucrose. Another research published by Food Chemistry, advises to eat a green apple per day to reduce obesity.
There pectinpresent in the apple, allows limit the absorption of sugars in the blood and thus regulate blood sugar levels throughout the day. It captures fats and sugars in the intestine. The apple thus contributes good glycemic balance and to the weight regulation in diabetics. It is also pectin which helps fight against constipation.
Add to this that the apple is very rich in fiber, which accelerates the metabolism and prevents sugar levels from rising. However, give priority green appleless sweet than red apple.
What other low GI foods are there?
THE low GI foods are to be consumed every day or almost. They will allow you to regulate your insulin. Result: you will be satisfied and avoid storage. Among the indispensablewe cite: vegetables, fruits, legumes (beans, lentils, split peas, chickpeas, red beans, etc.), fatty fish which are good proteins (mackerel, sardines, salmon, etc.), eggs, bread low GI (sourdough bread) or even low GI starchy foods (al dente pasta, quinoa, buckwheat pancakes, etc.).