Birth centers will be able to open on an experimental basis. A decree published on August 1 in the Official Journal sets the various rules that open up approval.
Since 1er August, childbirth no longer rhymes with hospitalization. A decree published in the Official Journal sets the rules governing the experimentation of birth centers. Midwives play a key role in this, since they provide hospitality and care for childbirth, as well as liaising with health establishments in the event of complications.
Near a health facility
For the moment, the establishment of birth centers will be done on an experimental basis. But the requirements set by the decree are very strict. The structures must be run by midwives, but must be located in the immediate vicinity of a health establishment “authorized for the activity of gynecology-obstetrics”, specifies the decree. The birth center must therefore have “direct access” to the maternity ward and “no public road to cross”. And for good reason: an agreement must be signed between the two establishments. It allows rapid management of emergencies related to childbirth.
The decree also fixes the reception conditions for women about to give birth. Only pregnancies without complications can be carried to term in these establishments. The text also establishes that “birthing centers do not provide accommodation for parturients and their newborns, nor support for obstetric emergencies”.
Presence of at least one midwife
To overcome any emergency, at least one midwife must be present every day of the year. At each childbirth, two professionals must be present in the premises. This makes it possible to ensure permanence in the event of transfer to the health establishment. Ensuring sufficient staff is a prerequisite sine qua non approval, to ensure the safety of parturients.
Pregnancies will therefore be less medicalized, but not devoid of any medical practice. Before each childbirth, a pre-anesthetic consultation remains compulsory, specifies the decree. Without this, “childbirth cannot take place in the birth center”. Mandatory screening (sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, hypothyroidism, etc.) will always be performed by midwives, who will also have to offer early screening for permanent neonatal deafness.