November 20, 2017.
Medicare has decided to launch a national campaign against back pain for the first time. Objective: not to let a back pain set in without doing anything.
The importance of regular physical activity
We often tend to think that a back pain is not really serious, until the day when the back becomes blocked or the pain becomes too intense. To make the French aware of this issue, the Health Insurance has just launched a major campaign. In France, 1 in 5 sick leave is due to low back pain, a muscle or nerve problem in the lower back, ie a cost of 661 million euros for Social Security.
“84% of the population has had, has or will have low back pain,” recalls Medicare. To avoid it, only one solution, sport : ” These pains are linked to the development of a sedentary lifestyle, because in the absence of activity, the muscles relax and are not strong enough to play their role. », Can we read on the Sécu site. And remember that it is not because the pain is intense that the problem is serious.
The best treatment for back pain is movement
In case of low back pain, the best treatment will always be movement. Muscles relax when you don’t exercise. Suddenly, they are not strong enough to play their role and back pain occurs. But a lack of physical activity is not the only factor. ” Age is a risk factor since the frequency of low back pain increases gradually over the course of life Adds Medicare.
Your work activity can also cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), especially if you have to carry heavy loads repeatedly. It will be necessary to distinguish the lumbago from chronic pain. Either way, back pain shouldn’t be ignored. To avoid having to suffer from it, you just need to put in place good reflexes. How about taking the stairs instead of the elevator?
Marine Rondot
Read also: Natural solutions against back pain