As World Obesity Day approaches on March 4, HAS unveiled ten actions to be implemented in prevention and as soon as the diagnosis of overweight or obesity in order to improve the overall health of women.
- Women overweight or obesity are more often confronted with different forms of stigma with stronger inequalities linked to gender discrimination.
- The latter thus face specific health issues, including less frequent gynecological monitoring, complications during pregnancy and childbirth, a cardiovascular risk.
- To better support them in several stages of their lives, the High Authority for Health (HAS) proposes to set up ten actions.
For 20 years, overweight and obesity, which have caused consequences on health and quality of life, have been high in women and increases continuously. Their “Prevalence was 44.2 % in 2015, with an increase in corpulence since 1996”, According to the High Authority for Health (HAS). Patients with a high body mass index are more often stigmatized. According to health authority, the negative look at their bodies can cause excessive weight control practices and incentives, a source of food problems. In addition, they undergo more marked social pressure as to their situation, in particular more frequent discrimination in hiring linked to physical appearance.
Specific problems for obese or overweight women
Thus, overweight or obesity women face specific health issues: less frequent gynecological monitoring, complications during pregnancy and childbirth, cardiovascular risk. A few days before World Obesity Day, March 4, HAS published a filecompleting the latest work on the subject published in 2024, intended for health professionals. In it, it offers actions to be implemented in prevention and from the diagnosis of overweight or obesity in patients to accompany several stages of their lives: preconception period, pregnancy, postnatal period, pregnancy after bariatric, perimenopause and menopause.
Obesity, overweight: the 10 actions proposed by the HAS
The High Authority for Health recommends:
- Systematic screening especially during consultations concerning women;
- Management and realization of care without stigmatizing, more precisely to be attentive to any social, psychic, violence vulnerability;
- Co-construction, as soon as the diagnosis of overweight or obesity, of a personalized care project, coordinated by the general practitioner, with the patient;
- Support in changes in life habits;
- Encouragement and regular gynecological follow -up;
- The anticipation of a future pregnancy by accompanying its beginning;
- Proposal for monitoring of pregnancy adapted to risk level;
- Support during the postnatal period;
- Implementation a specialized and obstetric follow -up, as in the case of pregnancy after bariatric surgery;
- Support during perimenopause and menopause.