The “red buttocks” are usually due to a hygiene problem: the diaper is not changed often enough. Result: the skin macerates, a phenomenon accentuated by acid stool (in case of diarrhea or teething). For Dr Razafinarivo-Schoreisz, “it is best to act in prevention before the buttocks turn red ”.
On a daily basis, we ensure
– Change the diaper as soon as it becomes dirty.
– Cleanse the buttocks with soap and water, taking care to dry the skin well by tapping. We reserve wipes and other cleaning products for travel.
– From the first redness, apply a thick layer of a special baby buttocks cream. “There are different types of creams: protective water-based pastes, healing creams with zinc or dexpanthenol. The idea is to find the one that suits your baby’s bottom, ”says the pediatrician.
When the redness is there
– We continue to apply the cream in a thick layer. On the other hand, noself-medication with another cream (antibiotic, cortisone) or eosin (which dries the skin but does not protect it) or antiseptic cleanser.
– To minimize the contact of the buttocks with the lying down, place a 100% cotton insert (Cotocouche type), to be renewed at each change.
– If the erythema appears after a change of diaper brand, abandon this new product.
– In homeopathy, we treat the ground with Medorrhinum 9 CH (1 dose per week for 1 month) to which we add Candida albicans 5 CH (3 granules 2 to 4 times a day for 21 days) if the irritation is located in the folds groin, or Kreosotum 5 CH (3 granules 2 to 4 times a day for 21 days) if the lesions are on the buttocks, raw.
We consult if …
The buttocks ooze, the redness spreads, gets worse. If crusts, yellowish patches or a whitish coating appear. “If the redness is located on the folds, it is also better to consult in order to rule out any suspicion of thrush, an infection due to the fungus Candida albicans which requires treatment for the baby and its mother, if she is breastfeeding and if her nipples are affected” , warns Dr Pierre Popowski.