From what age are parents advised to discuss menstruation with their daughter?
Bringing up the subject before your period arrives is the best time. The average age of onset of menstruation is around 12 years old, but some girls start menstruating as early as 9 years old. It is therefore preferable to begin to approach the subject a little earlier, around the age of 8, so that she is prepared. Simple language that answers his questions is enough.
How to approach the subject?
If you are his mother, you can take advantage of a moment when you have your period yourself to talk about it, or simply by bringing up the subject with simple words and without taboos. Avoid using colorful metaphors, and talk directly about menstrual cycles and the possibility of becoming a mother through sexual intercourse.
Talk to her about any symptoms she may be experiencing, such as pain or fatigue, and show her how sanitary protection works, whether it’s a pad or a tampon (without the risk of tearing of the hymen in the virgin girl).
Don’t forget to mention the potential irregularity of the cycle, especially at her age, which should encourage her to anticipate and always make sure to have protection with her.
How to react the day she has her period?
While, in some societies, there are ceremonies when the girl has her period for the first time, you can celebrate this together if you wish, for example by offering her a gift with feminine symbolism (a piece of clothing , make-up or nail polish for example).
Also encourage her to talk to you about how she feels and do not hesitate to take her to see the doctor in case of significant pain.
Find out more: “What’s happening to me?” by Susan Meredith.