Since a month I no longer drink ‘normal’ milk and I also leave the yogurt and cottage cheese. Instead, I take soy varieties. Am I still getting enough calcium? Or should I take supplements?
Patricia Schutte, nutritionist
Dairy products have a beneficial effect on your health. Dairy is associated with a lower risk of colon cancer and yogurt with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. You can replace dairy with soy products. You will not have the health benefits of dairy.
Calcium and B12
If you choose soy products, it is important that you choose the variants with added calcium and vitamin B12. That way you get just as much calcium as through milk. Taking a supplement is not necessary. Unsweetened soy drink with added vitamin B12 and calcium is in the Wheel of Five. Only if you do not eat or drink any dairy products at all, and also do not take good substitutes, there is a good chance that you are not getting enough calcium. You can then develop osteoporosis over time.
eating meter
Via the Food meter of the Nutrition Center you can keep track of exactly what you eat and see whether you are getting enough nutrients.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
Patricia Schutte has been working as an information officer at the Nutrition Center in The Hague for more than 25 years. She answers questions about healthy, sustainable and safe food.