An application developed by the Gustave Roussy Institute helps prevent melanoma by monitoring its moles. Prevention, monitoring and research are in the spotlight.
Moles are considered harmless, charming, unnecessary, or bizarre. Most people don’t pay attention to them, yet monitoring them is the simple first step in preventing skin cancer. It is therefore recommended to consult a dermatologist every year. The iSkin application developed by the Gustave Roussy Institute can now help you best follow these tips. ISkin is part of the “Together against melanoma” plan, which aims to fight cancer through prevention, screening and research funding. The application is therefore based on these three objectives: to facilitate monitoring and management, to raise awareness and prevent risks, to contribute to research.
Warning signs
It was designed first of all for self-monitoring: the mapping option reminds you when to photograph your moles and those of your entourage. All photos are kept, so you can compare the appearance of moles over time. Signs should encourage consultation. If the grain is asymmetrical, if its edges are irregular, the color is not homogeneous, if the diameter increases, and finally if you notice an evolution (rapid change for example). This is the ABCDE method (asymmetry, edge, color, diameter, evolution).
The system also offers to locate the skin professionals who work in your sector, and thus facilitate the connection. Thus, the images can be sent directly to the referent dermatologist you have chosen, who will judge the need for a consultation. Finally, a clinical trial part, in development, will list all the research in progress and allow dialogue between the patient and the research teams. It will also be easier to make appointments for the follow-up of the clinical trial, and iSkin will remind participants of the medications to take.
While the application is aimed in particular at individuals, it also targets healthcare professionals and professions in contact with the skin (tattoo artists, beauticians, etc.). One way to potentiate its action by reaching as many people as possible.