The six Academies of France rise up in a common mail of the cancellation of the radiation of Professor Henri Joyeux, figure of the anti-vaccination and recall that his remarks “are all the more scandalous that the vaccination coverage remains insufficient in France”.
The six Academies of Sciences, Agriculture of France, National of Dental Surgery, National of Medicine, National of Pharmacy and Veterinary of France protest against the verdict of the National Disciplinary Chamber of the Order of Physicians, which on June 26 , decreed that Professor Henri Joyeux’s anti-vaccine remarks “did not exceed the principle of freedom of expression”. In fact, the complaint filed against him by the National Council of the Order of Physicians was rejected. Deemed “not sufficiently reasoned”, his radiation pronounced in first instance on July 8, 2016 by the disciplinary chamber of Languedoc-Roussillon was also canceled.
“In their duty to protect the health of populations”, the Academies “solemnly declare that freedom of expression has limits and that it in no way excuses the irresponsible allegations of certain health professionals”. In a joint email sent to Why Doctor, they “revolted at the words of Henri Joyeux who, taking advantage of the lifting of his radiation from the National Council of the Order of Physicians, claims ‘that he is right’ concerning his positions on vaccination. These positions are all the more scandalous as vaccination coverage remains insufficient in France, epidemic risks persist”.
The origin of anti-vaccine petitions
The origin of this case? Two anti-vaccine petitions posted online in September 2014 and May 2015. The first challenged a recommendation by the High Council for Public Health, never followed by the government, recommending lowering the age of vaccination against papillomavirus for girls. But this missive “part of the freedom left to any individual in a democratic state to express his opinion on a subject which concerns him”, estimated the national disciplinary chamber.
The second petition denounced the replacement of the trivalent DTPolio vaccine (protecting against diphtheria, tetanus and polio) by a hexavalent vaccine (protecting against six diseases) and mainly pointed to the presence of aluminum, the dangers of which have never been demonstrated. scientifically. “The toxicity of aluminum as an adjuvant and the dangerousness of the vaccine against hepatitis B have been the subject of intense controversy for several years,” noted the appeal body.
Cited as a reference by anti-vaccines, the 72-year-old doctor is today contested by a large part of the medical community. “I’m not written off at all, I have no blame. What does that mean? It means that I’m right!” However, Professor Joyeux stubbornly told an AFP journalist after the verdict. But as the six Academies concluded: “current events remind us that measles can kill!”