Getting paid to sleep and play sports is possible! Casper, a New York start-up specializing in mattresses, has set up a compensation system to encourage its employees to exercise and rest. The goal? That they adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to reduce the costs of health insurance, in which the company takes part.
Up to 166 euros per month
Everything happens on IncentFit, a fitness app that tracks the physical performance and sleep of its users, before paying them accordingly. By going to the gym, they collect 18 euros and by running, they get 44 euros. For 1.5 kilometers covered by walking, cycling or running, they get bonuses ranging from 18 cents to 3.5 euros. A night’s sleep also saves them 1.8 euros. In total, employees can accumulate up to 166 euros per month.
If these rewards are attractive, the use of this application, which is equipped with a geolocation system and which records data related to the private lives of employees, raises questions. But for Neil Parikh, co-founder of Casper, this is the best motivation there is. “We can provide employees with a gym membership, but they often stay seated. Financial rewards actually motivate behavior,” he explains to Quartz. On the employee side, the method also seems to be attractive, since more than half of the company now uses IncenFit.
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