Almonds have it all. On the health side, they help us to manage our stress, at prevent hair loss, at repel hunger and (even!) to fight against hemorrhoids. In terms of beauty, they maintain our Sun tanning, participate in our fight against acne and, reduced to powder, they make good for our skin…
A recent study carried out by the University of Aston (Great Britain) has just added a line to the long list of the health benefits of almonds: these would allow us, in addition, to prevent cardiovascular illnesses.
This work, published in the scientific journal Free Radical Research, was based on the comparison of two groups of people. In the first group, the participants ate normally, while in the second, they were instructed to consume 50g of almonds per day.
Almond, a superfood
After a month, the researchers (led by biology professor Helen Griffiths) found that the blood of the “almond eaters” was much higher in alpha-tocopherol, a form of Vitamin E which, in addition to being frequently used to combat the cholesterol and the depression, also has the effect of thinning blood circulation, reducing blood pressure and, therefore, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
“This study confirms that the almond is a superfood, added Professor Griffiths. Consuming a handful (50g) a day could be enough to protect us from cardiovascular disease. “Only downside: a handful of almonds still costs 280kcal, almost as much as a whole baguette or a pain au chocolat…
Do you believe that a handful of almonds a day can protect you against strokes and hypertension? Come and give your opinion on the forum!