Already consumed 780,000 years ago in the Near and Middle East, the almond has spread all along the Mediterranean coasts since the conquest of Spain … Its milky and sunny flavor pleases us, and its nutritional benefits have made it indispensable!
Fats 100% compatible with slimming
With more than half of its weight in lipids, the almond could thrill those who watch their figure or want to lose a few pounds … And yet, paradoxically, it is recommended! Its fats, essentially monounsaturated, are beneficial and, as a bonus, are not all digestible, which reduces its calorie balance by about 30%, according to a study by the US Department of Agriculture. No reason to deprive yourself of it, especially since a small handful per day calms cravings without tipping the scales on the wrong side, on the contrary! Indeed, the almond is also a concentrate of fibers (soluble and insoluble) and protein, which makes it a food with high nutritional density and very satiating, especially since it must be chewed well. It is an excellent appetite suppressant, which, moreover, helps ward off type 2 diabetes.
All benefits for the heart and the brain
The combination of its omega 3 fatty acids and its fibers has effects recognized as beneficial for the cardiovascular system: regulation of the rate of cholesterol and reduction of blood pressure (also thanks to its potassium). This food is therefore fully part of the Mediterranean diet recommended to keep a heart in good shape! But if it takes care of our heart, the almond is also a gift for our brain, which it maintains and protects because this one needs “oil in its cogs” to function well! The almond would thus have virtues on the memory (especially as it is rich in phosphorus and zinc, two essential minerals), on the concentration and on the regulation of the emotional system. Omega 3 deficiencies would increase the risk of depression, bipolar disorder … As for vitamin E, it prevents the cognitive system decline. A good reason to bite into almonds during exams or intense intellectual work. Especially since their glycemic index is an additional asset since they provide energy continuously, without spikes in blood sugar, so harmful to brain performance.
Almonds to replace meat?
Rich in protein (more than some meats!), The almond can easily replace a portion of animal protein, if it is combined with legumes to meet our needs for essential amino acids (which must be provided by the diet). And as it also provides calcium and magnesium in quantity (it is at the top of the oilseed list for these minerals), as well as vitamins E and group B, we can give it virtues anti stress and a beneficial effect on the balance of the nervous system, but also assets againstosteoporosis.
Its health benefits
• It has a strong lasting satiating effect, and does not raise blood sugar (it is even recommended for diabetics).
• Rich in good omega 3 fatty acids, it protects the heart and facilitates the proper functioning of the brain.
• Concentrated in minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium but also phosphorus or zinc), proteins, fibers, it is “with high nutritional density” and can be consumed every day without fear of putting on weight.
Choose it well
The health benefits of almonds are well established, but we are not talking about those “gadgets” from the aperitif department, grilled with fat, salted and sometimes even flavored! Buy it fresh in season (late summer and early fall), or dry but not toasted or bleached (its little brown skin is rich in fibers and antioxidants). It is recommended to keep it away from light and heat because, like any food containing good fats, it tends to go rancid quickly. It can also be consumed in the form of vegetable drink (“Fake milk”) to replace cow’s milk for breakfast but also in pastry, and in “puree” (ideally complete), much better (including for health) on sandwiches than the “anti-cholesterol margarines” of trade !
Read also:
Almond … the satiety expert
To slim down, bite into plain almonds
Almonds: an excellent snack for your health