With a large majority, the deputies relaxed the Evin law by authorizing oenological information. A profound change regretted by the Minister of Health.
The National Assembly on Tuesday relaxed the Evin law which governs alcohol advertising. With 102 votes against 29, the deputies voted for an article distinguishing between advertising on alcoholic beverages and wine information during the second reading examination of the health bill.
This text introduced by the senators was defended for more than an hour by elected officials from both right and left and almost all from wine regions. “Each of us on these benches wants to give our region a positive face and enhance its strengths through production, vineyards, landscapes, tourist attractiveness, traditions and, of course, wines, explained Bernard Perrut, deputy mayor of Villefranche-sur-Saône (Rhône). Our municipalities, our associations, our tourist offices and our companies contribute to the promotion of our territories without, however, inciting excessive consumption ”.
“Clarify” the Evin law
The parliamentarians in favor of the amendment have thus repeatedly hammered out that it was not a question of unraveling the Evin law but of “clarifying” it. “It is only a question of securing journalistic work and the possibility of promoting a production zone”, retorted Arnaud Robinet (Les Républicains, LR) deputy mayor of Reims. For others, such as Elie Aboud (LR) deputy for Hérault, relaxing the Evin law is also a question of public health: “Many meta-analyzes, many retrospective studies have clearly shown that a moderate consumption of wine, constant, with well defined quantities, lowers morbidity and, subsequently, mortality. This is not a figment of the imagination: great scientists have proven it, ”he argued.
Faced with the supporters of the controversial amendment, only 3 deputies rose to support the position of Marisol Touraine, the Minister of Health, and Catherine Lemorton, president of the Social Affairs Committee of the Assembly. The latter proposed an amendment to restore the original version of the Evin law. It was rejected by 102 votes to 32.
The favorable executive
The Minister of Health judged “more than regrettable, sad, even, that it is on the occasion of the examination of a law of public health that the law Évin, which is one of our great laws of health public, or defeat ”. She also deplored that “this debate has given rise to so few positions on the major issue that alcoholism represents in terms of public health in our country”.
Despite numerous applause from socialist, republican and environmentalist deputies, the Assembly did not follow Marisol Touraine’s advice. And as several elected officials recalled, François Hollande, Manuel Valls and Emmanuel Macron also disagreed with the minister.