Are the French increasingly sick of alcohol? This is what the latest figures from Prof. François Paille and Prof. Michel Reynaud, from the French Society of Alcoology suggest. “Between 2009 and 2011, hospitalizations for all alcohol-related pathologies increased by 30%”, explains Professor Pr Michel Reynaud, head of the department of psychiatry and addiction at Paul Brousse hospital in Villejuif. to AFP. “This is one of the leading medical causes of medical hospitalization,” adds the addictologist.
On average, the French are 7 times more hospitalized for an alcohol-related problem than for diabetes. Alcohol is also a reason for hospitalization 3 times more important than hospitalization for vascular pathologies.
The study provides an overview of hospitalization cases. Acute poisonings such as ethyl comas account for 40% of hospital stays linked to alcohol, or 181,000 hospitalizations. 280,000 other interventions fall under the alcohol addiction, reports the study. Alcoholism explains one in three cases of hospitalization, most often for complications related to this dependence.
Most of the time stays are less than 2 days. They rise to seven days in the event of addiction with complications.
Alcohol: 49,000 deaths in 2009
This increase in hospitalizations illustrates one of the symptoms linked to the “alcoholization” of French society. A French person over the age of 15 drinks on average 27 grams of pure alcohol per day, or 2.7 glasses per day, recently revealed a study published in theEuropean Journal of Public Health. While alcohol caused 49,000 deaths in 2009, the Société française d’Alcoologie is concerned about the rise inalcoholism among young people and women.
>> To read also: What is drinking a little too much?