Love makes it possible to fight against the addictive consumption of alcohol, especially among students.
- Dependence results in the feeling of lack, which for lack of a new intake of alcohol, can induce a withdrawal syndrome.
- An alcohol-dependent person must get help to succeed in quitting.
Falling in love can prevent alcoholism, according to a new study, soon to be published in review Addiction.
Mitigate trauma
To reach this conclusion, the researchers focused on college students, as previous studies have shown that young people who have been exposed to trauma are more likely to engage in risky drinking. Yet, not all traumatized students necessarily misuse alcohol, raising questions about what factors may play a role in the interaction between trauma and alcohol use.
Based on these assumptions, the scientists analyzed the association between three aspects of romantic relationships – relationship status, romantic satisfaction and partner’s alcohol consumption – and students’ alcohol consumption. Findings: Fulfilling romantic relationships markedly attenuated the negative effects of trauma on alcohol use among college students.
Better understand the risk factors of alcoholism
“These results are important because they help elucidate how romantic relationships can improve or compromise health habits, especially with regard to alcohol consumption”said research author Rebecca Smith, a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology at the College of Humanities and Sciences. “A better understanding of how social relationships can influence health behaviors could encourage people to consider more carefully the people they spend time with. In addition, these findings help us better understand risk and protective factors related to alcohol consumption across the lifespan, which can be used in prevention and care programmes”, concludes the scientist.